July 20, Sunday,  3 pm- 7 pm

Marina Park, Thunder Bay. 


What is Colour Festival?

With roots in ancient India, Colour Festival is a joyful reminder to cast away bad feelings and throw worries to the wind. Join the throngs of people laughing, playing, dancing, eating, and filling the sky with clouds of bright colour. Now we’re bringing it Thunder Bay so that YOU can experience this transformative celebration of colour, music, and culture. With an incredible line-up of live musicians, dancers, yoga instructors, and more, Colour Festival is an unforgettable experience that will help you re-center your life on what matters most, and create memories to last a lifetime.


The colours used are plant-based, non-toxic, and environmentally-friendly. Made from food-grade cornstarch, you could even eat them (not that we suggest that!).

We have assorted colours (violet, green, pink, yellow, red, chrome, light green, sky blue) in 100 gram bags.
They are made from Corn starch, permissible cosmetic grade dyes, & fragrance.
Colours Will not harm grass.
If a large crowd throws the colours on grass, blow the grass with a leaf blower, & turn on the sprinkler system.
Colours are Least likely to stain hair and clothes if the maximum amount is shaken out dry before showering or washing.
– Do not throw powders directly into anyone’s face.
Sprinkle or stroke them on with fingertips.
Anyone with breathing issues should stay away from the thick of the dust, wear a dust mask, or avoid altogether.
Even for those without breathing issues eyewear and dust protection is never a bad idea.Wherever children are present, adults should monitor, as the children can get overexcited and throw into each other faces.

In India, the Festival of Colours (Holi) announces the arrival of spring and the passing of winter. The festival breathes an atmosphere of joy and love. People embrace each other in a spirit of reconciliation, forgiveness, and gratitude. Every nook and corner presents a colourful sight: young and old alike covered in colour, singing, dancing, and laughing together. Holi has long traditional links with several legends.

Thank you for registering for the Festival of Colours.

Please remember to keep your tickets handy in the Eventbrite app or print them out and bring them to the event.

It's important to note that Festival check-in starts at 1:30 p.m. and runs from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Please be aware that outside colours and food are STRICTLY prohibited in the festival area. Any outside colours will be confiscated at the entrance.

We reserve the right to refuse admission to anyone, or to escort anyone off the property for improper conduct.


The dry powders supplied by the temple may stain hair & clothes, so festival goers are cautioned not to wear their “Saturday best.” To avoid and/or minimize stain, vigorously shake out all dry excess powder before stepping into a shower, or throwing your clothes in the wash. Once the caked dry colors get wet, it is hard to get out. However, if one can shake as much as possible out while dry, there is a good chance of not having pink hair for the next month.
Do not throw colors into people’s eyes or mouth. It is even more fun to rub the colors, into the hair, back of the neck, and cheeks. If anyone gets irritants in their eyes, go to the clearly marked first aid tent where EMTs will give you an eye rinse. We’ll always have on hand bandanas, sunglasses, and dust mask for covering eyes and mouth…recommended. Anyone with asthma or any other breathing issues should avoid color events, or at least wear a mask and stay well away from the center of action. Same advice if you happen to be allergic to corn starch.
Do not wear contacts to a color event!
Do not purchase colors from illegal vendors as they will be confiscated. Every bag should have the temple label, and must be in Temple approved packaging.
Those who would rather observe than participate in the throwing of the colors may stay back and watch from a distance, but there is no guarantee. Good idea to bring plastic seat covers for the drive home. That or bring a change of clothes and a plastic bag for your festival clothes. Be courteous of local businesses and do not leave messes in their bathrooms.
Do not throw colors on any passing cars, or on any performers, musicians, and especially not on the uniforms of any firemen or police. If you do the latter, you might get arrested.

Festival goers are advised to think twice before going into the middle of the crowd when the colors are first thrown. If you have not been before or have asthma, being smack in the middle of the crowd will be a challenge. Stay to the edges, and have a cloth to cover your nose and mouth for the first three minutes. We will have dust masks for sale at .25 cents. Under no circumstances should small children be in the middle of the crowd, unless high on the shoulders of their fathers, and wearing the right protection.

Safety and Security:

For the safety of visitors, the Organizer reserves the right to refuse admission to any attendee and may on occasion conduct security searches of persons or belongings to ensure the safety of visitors to the Event. The Organizer shall also be entitled to refuse access to or remove anyone from the Event who is violating any law or any rule of the Event or any Event venue, is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or who, in the reasonable opinion of the Organizer, is conducting themselves in a manner inappropriate to their continued attendance or who is in breach of any other policies (e.g., policies relating to mobile phone or camera use) put in place by the Organizer, including, but not limited to, these Terms and Conditions. If Organizer denies you entry or requires you to leave, you will not receive a refund.
